Winter Update

This winter has been COLD! Therefore, the first picture is from our honeymoon when it was warm to help me envision the warmer days ahead. Plus, I love this picture and didn't put it on the honeymoon post. Anyway, the following pictures highlight our winter and whats been going on since Christmas.

This is our kitchen before our recent renovation...


We had a guy come in and patch up our entire kitchen with drywall. To hide the previous lazy job...

Catharine McNally and myself decided to go ahead and rip up the linoleum floors while Paul was away on a camp fair for the day.
Complete destruction and drywall drying.

Paul's very handy brother volunteered his labor for our first tiling job. This is the final cleaning and scraping to prep for the tile.

Figuring out our pattern. Soon after we began laying tile.

ALMOST DONE! At this point, there was only room for one person to tile... so I stayed on the countertops to provide moral support.

Our kitchen moved into the dining room during our do it yourself project.

The paint color, my valentine's flowers and a great pot.

The new floor. Paul did the grout- great job PK! You can also see a bit of the new light fixture... it used to be a flourescent light and is now track lighting on a dimmer.

After. The blue countertops look so much better next to that green...

The view into the living room.

IT SNOWED!!! Crazy, I know. But we loved it. Bella is waiting to go play some more.


Everything is so peaceful when it snows. I love this picture.

Look at the railing! There is actually accumulation.

Our first married snow.

Over MLK weekend, Coach went to Goshen Virginia to Lee Sutton's farm for a boys weekend. David operating the skeet thrower.

Lee, David Madison, and John Hyde. Oh, and Pee Wee and Cutter. Coach was taking the picture.

Had to capture this. PK making brownies at my parents house.

Our stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Love this picture.

Our first Christmas tree. Christmas card material. Maybe next year we will actually send one.

All legs. Watching dad bring in the Christmas tree.

Did somebody say Griswolds?

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